Connecting with florists around the world

We are Hoek flowers, a Dutch family business that has turned its passion for flowers into the company we are today.

We believe in connecting with florists around the world through our shared love of flowers and supporting them with a colourful collection to create floral art.

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Core values

Our goal within Hoek flowers is to make everyone part of our Hoek’s family. We have seen how important it is to be this consistent factor both internally and externally towards our customers and suppliers.

To achieve this, five core values have been incorporated within our company: unity, passion, reliability, innovation and customer success. The purpose of these core values is to live up to our mission and vision and to counteract ambiguity from our external parties.

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Read the story

Hoek Exclusive - From Saving Points to the Hills of Italy


Only 17 years old and already a real entrepreneur. In 1979 Peter, together with his brothers, set up a flower shop in his birthplace “Katwijk aan Zee”. Being in charge of this shop for 5 years he was driven by the need to do something different. He bought a refrigerated truck and started driving all the way down to the south part of France to sell Dutch flowers to French florists.

Driving all the way back to Holland, week in and week out with an empty lorry was not profitable enough for this fledgling “Flying Dutchman”. He found, while driving through this beautiful part of Europe, that local producers grew the most amazing flowers. Ranunculus, Eucalyptus and Anemone were common products in Italy and France but very rare in Holland. And there it was, the solution for the empty truck. Buying flowers from local growers and selling them again in Holland. We are always proud to say that this decision from Peter forms the foundation of our business – a foundation that exists out of what we love doing most: buying flowers and selling flowers.

Behind the scenes

Every flower starts with a “cheese moment” in our photo booth, where three cameras choose the best angle for a live, realistic webshop photo. We ensure you see exactly what you’re buying.

After the photo, flowers are ready for purchase. Thanks to our automated logistics, flowers zip through our facility on conveyor belts, with robots picking orders and monitoring every stem. Our goal: a fast, seamless shopping experience.

More behind the scenes

More Hoek flowers

Hoek Exclusive - From Saving Points to the Hills of Italy
Buy Flowers, Save Points – Hoek Exclusive Loyalty Program
Pink is the new Blue – Hoek flowers Charity
Sustainable flower delivery – The Secret Garden Flowers

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A Sustainable future

One of our core values at Hoek flowers is unity, we want to unite customers, growers and industry players around the world with our shared love of flowers. It is very important to us that we connect and supply whilst thinking about the planet. Read more about what sustainable efforts we at Hoek proudly partake in and continuously work on.

Hoek flowers x COM:POST UK – An Exciting New Partnership
Sustainable flower delivery – The Secret Garden Flowers
Sustainable flower wholesaler - How Hoek flowers contributes
New organic certificate: SKAL biocontrol

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Pioneering Reusable - Pink Flower Boxes

Packed in Pink

However, not all of our processes are automated. The finishing touch is done by our amazing packing team. They have great product knowledge and know exactly which order your items need to be put into the box in order to avoid any form of damage. Every order is handled with the same amount of love and attention before the packer puts our “famous” pink Ranunculus cover on top. Now your order is ready to be transported and delivered to your location.

Also, important to know, we take the cool chain very seriously in order to keep the flowers in the best condition possible. Therefore, our storage, packing and transport are all refrigerated.

"We believe in unity by delivering flowers to our international customers enabling them to create floral art. The passion we have for our customers, suppliers, and products; as well as a core focus on reliability guides us towards achieving customer’s success, innovation as well as long-term relationships."