Video tutorials







Login & Register

  • That's correct. We've made it possible to view our assortment before you log in. You can log in by clicking 'log in' at the right top corner or a login dialog will appear at the first try to buy something.

  • In the top corner on the right hand side you'll see a register button. When you click it you'll be redirected to our Register page. Fill out the form and one of our accountmanagers will contact you shortly.

Shopping Cart & Cancellation

  • Yes you can. You get 15 minutes to reconsider your purchases. After that time a green checkmark will appear behind each purchase. Depending on what time it is your purchases can still be canceled but you'll have to contact your accountmanager.

Departure Dates

Assortment & Availbility

General Use

Login details

  • This is correct. Your preferred browser should ask you to save the login data. Our example is in Google Chrome:

    Step 1: go to your browser settings Step 2: click 'passwords'

    Step 3: Search for 'hoekflowers' Step 4: Select 'Automatic Login' if you want Step 5: Delete all existing passwords

    Step 6: Close your browser Step 4: Re-open your browser Step 5: Go to our shop and login

    The shop should offer you to save your login details. Allow it. That should do the trick.