Hi florist! We understand that sifting through our wide assortment of flowers to find the perfect ones can be quite the undertaking. And it’s not only that. Also, the countdown of 15 minutes after adding a product to your basket can be stressful. “What if I see another product I prefer to buy after the timer runs out?”, or “What if there is a better priced alternative?”. Questions you might ask yourself while buying.
Fortunately, there is a ‘life hack’ to prevent all of this. We’re excited to introduce you to our nifty “Favorites” feature. Designed with your ease in mind, this feature will make your floral exploration through our 3.000 items wide flower stock much easier. How? Read more below.
Where do I find this feature?
First, have you noticed the heart icon on the right side of the blue top bar? Click on it and it will immediately take you to Favorites. Here you find an overview of all Favorites lists you made, or still have to make. You can make as many as you want. Also, you’ll find a cute little hart at the top-right corner of every product card. With a simple click on the heart, you can add any product to the Favorite list of your choice. What’s more, there’s no cap to the number of favorites you can add.
Categorize, Customize, and Plan Ahead
One of the unique aspects of our Favorites feature is the ability to create your own lists and categorize your favored flowers. Planning a winter-themed event and fell in love with some Snowy White Roses? Or a client is organizing a tropical paradise themed event, calling for vibrant Hibiscus and Heliconia. No problem, create a list for each category and add your selections accordingly. This way, you can have all your inspirations organized and easily accessible for when you're ready to make a purchase.
It also comes in handy when planning your own holiday and staff needs to take over the buying. Create a list of items that need to be in, in advance.
“Let's avoid the rush against the clock!“
No Rush, Just Browse
Here's the cherry on top: using the Favorites feature lets you avoid the rush against the clock. We know the cart timer on our website starts counting down as soon as you add a product to your cart. Once the timer ends, the purchase is made. With the Favorites feature, however, you can browse, select, and save your preferred flowers at your own pace, without committing to a purchase immediately.
So, next time you're on Hoek flowers, don't forget to heart those beautiful blooms.
Stunning Fall Flowers: A Guide to Autumn Floral Trends and Colour Palettes
As the days are growing shorter and the air is turning colder, the beauty of fall comes alive in more than just the changing of colours. The seasonal flowers are beautiful and have deep, warm colours. In this guide, we’ll explore the top fall flowers, dive into 2024 floral design trends, and reveal the best colour palettes to capture the spirit of autumn.
As the days are growing shorter and the air is turning colder, the beauty of fall comes alive in more than just the changing of colours. The seasonal flowers are beautiful and have deep, warm colours. In this guide, we’ll explore the top fall flowers, dive into 2024 floral design trends, and reveal the best colour palettes to capture the spirit of autumn.
Discover Dahlias – Everything you need to know about this summer flower
This big and vibrant flower is extremely popular and a favourite of many people for good reason! Dahlias are a real summer flower and signifies the return of better weather for many people. You can find Dahlia’s in many different forms and colours ranging from reds and pinks, to purple and orange. One thing is certain, these bright and stunning flowers are real eye catchers.
This big and vibrant flower is extremely popular and a favourite of many people for good reason! Dahlias are a real summer flower and signifies the return of better weather for many people. You can find Dahlia’s in many different forms and colours ranging from reds and pinks, to purple and orange. One thing is certain, these bright and stunning flowers are real eye catchers.
Preparing Hydrangeas for Stunning Blooms: Step-by-Step Guide
Tips & Tricks
Known for their lush and big heads, hydrangeas are a favourite among florists and flower enthusiasts. These stunning flowers typically bloom from late spring to early autumn and are seriously breathtaking! Hydrangeas were first cultivated in Japan, but they also originated from the Americas. They thrive in many climates and are beloved all over the world. Let’s dive a little deeper into the world of hydrangeas, because these beauties are quite special!
Tips & Tricks
Known for their lush and big heads, hydrangeas are a favourite among florists and flower enthusiasts. These stunning flowers typically bloom from late spring to early autumn and are seriously breathtaking! Hydrangeas were first cultivated in Japan, but they also originated from the Americas. They thrive in many climates and are beloved all over the world. Let’s dive a little deeper into the world of hydrangeas, because these beauties are quite special!
Exotics from the Sunny Fields of South Africa
Since last August, our Direct stock from South Africa has been available, letting you buy flowers straight from the sunny farms there. Today, we're focusing on a special group of flowers: Exotics! South Africa is full of unique flowers, and we'll talk about where they come from, how to take care of them, and the different varieties you can find.
Since last August, our Direct stock from South Africa has been available, letting you buy flowers straight from the sunny farms there. Today, we're focusing on a special group of flowers: Exotics! South Africa is full of unique flowers, and we'll talk about where they come from, how to take care of them, and the different varieties you can find.
Looking for the best flowers?